
Sunday, April 21, 2019

See You Again...Student Teaching Week 15

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This was a hard week to get through. As much as I've struggled recently, I still LOVE it. I'm forever going to miss teaching at Cedar Crest. It hasn't fully hit me yet that it's over. Just because I'm not teaching there doesn't mean I can't go visit someday. Several students want me to but it's so far away!

Overall, this was a really humbling experience. I loved teaching at CC but I am ready to graduate! I'm ready to go on to the next chapter of my life but they will forever be in my heart.

Things I Learned

  • The results of the soil unit tests weren't exactly what I wanted again. I know that the low scores are probably mostly on me but it really gets me down sometimes. I thought we reviewed the information enough times. We went over the soil horizons and factors that affect soil formation almost everyday. A lot of the students STILL didn't get them right. I think that if we had more time maybe they would completely get it.
  • Building relationships with students is important but building relationships with the other teachers is important too. All week, all semester really, the other teachers have been so helpful and so supportive of me and what I'm trying to do. A couple of the teachers even helped me take some of my things out at the end of the day on Thursday.
  • The students respected our guest speaker, Mr. Risser, on Monday when he came in to talk about soil sampling. They've been a little on edge lately so I was a little worried but they were fine. There was some horsing around when we were outside but that was normal.

Advice Wanted

  • What is some advice on keeping classroom management under control when you go into your own classroom your first year?
  • Any other first year advice I may not have heard before?

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